Thursday, September 30, 2010

Stooge or Not

I understand where John Proctor is coming from.  I find it respectable that he or anyone else would stand up for something they believe in.  At the same time though the decision he made was not a wise decision.  All he had to do was sign a document saying that he had committed some act of witchcraft and he was not going to die.  He signs it but when the judges say they will hang it up on the church door he freaks out and will not let them have the document.  So instead of living and being with his wife and children he dies because he does not want people to see that he admitted to witchcraft on an official document.  That is just not smart, at all.  If he knew he did not actually do anything bad why not just go along with it, why would he care what other people think about him.  That is why I think that John Proctor was more of a stooge than a hero.  Another reason why he was a stooge was because he cheated on his wife which is never a very heroic thing to do.  John Proctor could have saved his life but he was too vain so he died and left his family without him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crazy Sermon

If I were a child listening to the sermon that Jonathan Edwards gave I would be frightened and confused.  I would think that Jonathan Edwards was either a crazy old fart or I would believe him because I would not know any better.  I am not saying I would not believe in the religion per say but I would not believe all of the crazy stuff he said.   
After reading this I almost laughed.  Jonathan Edwards reminded me of some of those crazy politicians making accusations that do not even come close to making sense.  Also the politicians that like saying things like "I misremembered it."  This guy Jonathan Edwards could have believed in what he was saying or he could have been trying to make people act accordingly to his beliefs.  Either way he was a psycho in my opinion.  Now I am pretty sure that the God in religion is portrayed as a good person/thing that loves everybody not some mass murderer holding you above a pit of fire and death.  But in the end if I were a child listening to Jonathan Edwards back then and I did not know any better I am afraid I might actually have believed him.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

There Goes the Neighborhood

When people first started coming to America from all of the other parts of the world there was a lot of conflict.  Most of it was between the new settlers and the Native Americans who were there before the settlers.  The Native Americans believed that land and earth could not be owned.  They shared the land with each other and did not waste the resources that the earth provided for them.  The new settlers that came to North America did not believe that because where they came from land was bought and property was built on it.  When the colonists and settlers first came to the new land we now call America relations between Native Americans and themselves were generally peaceful.  But as the years wore on and the new white people wanted to expand westward through Native American territories, conflicts between the two groups broke out.  The new colonists basically kicked them out so that they could build their new homes and places of work.  They could do this because they had guns which the Native Americans were lacking.  They pushed them to the west until there was no more room.  Violence between these two groups did not end just after the Revolutionary War it kept going on.  One particular event that many people have heard about was The Trail Of Tears.  Andrew Jackson forced many Native American tribes to move west.  Many tribes were relocated and had to walk the trail of tears were many died.  So when new people come around it could be good or it could be bad.  You just gotta hope for the best.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


My name is Joe and I have a little brother and a little sister.  I am fourteen years old and a freshman at our school.  I live on the northside really close Wrigley Field so naturally I am a Cubs fan.  I am also a Bulls fan but I am not a fan of the Bears, my favorite football team is the Pittsburgh Steelers because most of my family is from Pittsburgh and they are nuts about football there.  In the summer I sell water to fans going to the Cubs game to make money for myself.  I enjoy hanging out with friends and relaxing whenever I am not busy with sports or other things such as babysitting for my little sister.  I really like basketball and am hoping to make the freshman team this year.  My favorite subject is reading or writing in school but I hate math.  I like to read because I find it enjoyable and easy.  On the other hand I find math to be hard to understand and just boring.  I like Whitney Young so far and I hope and think I will like it for the duration of my high school years here.  I am looking forward to what I will learn and do this year.