Saturday, February 5, 2011


In the book "Black Boy" the author and main character is Richard Wright.  He is hungry the entire book in more than one way.  He is literally hungry because he is poor and his mother cannot provide enough food for him.  He is also hungry for attention.  His craving for attention gets him into a great amount of trouble.  For one he burns down his house.  Even though he is only four at the time I believe he would have had the sense not to put the fire by the curtains.  When he kills the cat he does it just to go against his dad and finally win one of their battles.  He would not kill the cat because he did not know it was wrong.  Richard killed the cat for attention and to beat his father.  Richard is very hungry for attention even in subtle ways.  He wants to be heard when he was told to be quiet when his grandmother was sick, so naturally he made himself heard.  When Richard roams the streets and goes into the saloon and drinks he is basically an act for the people there.  Richard does not care though because he is getting attention.  Richard is definitely craving attention at all times.

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