Friday, October 22, 2010

The Moment

The moment I knew I was an American.  This is not an easy thing to answer.  How would I know what an American is, when did I find out?  How should I know what an American is, who am I to judge?
America is a beautiful place.  Our country is based on freedom from a tyrannical king that we proclaimed our freedom to in the Declaration of Independence.  Now don't get me wrong America has not been so perfect.  With slavery, racism, and a whole lot of other things America looks like the worst place to live.  But our founding fathers had a whole lot of bravery to be able to send a document to the King of England saying they were abandoning him and starting their own country.  They did this knowing they would have to face his wrath and superior army on their own turf.
                Now knowing all of this I have a pretty good idea of when I knew I was an American.  I knew I was a free, open-minded American when Barack Obama was elected to office.  White America went from being racist and just mean to people of other races (some still are) to electing an African American for President!  In no other country would this happen. Only in awesome, free America can culture change so drastically in such a short period of time for the better.  That is why I am proud to be an American.

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