Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review

The song that I reviewed is Scissors by Liars.  It is a very unique piece of work that I believe is from a unique band.  The song starts out slow and goes for a while very softly and then out of the blue the music gets really loud and frantic and the singer starts screaming.  The song lulls you to sleep in a way and then startles you with a loud outburst.  I personally liked the song.  I found it hard to follow what the song was about as much of the words were mumbled.  I did not think that the mumbling was necessarily bad it added another effect to the madness.  The song was very soft and instrumental for half the time and the other half it was very heavy metal-ish.  I would recommend this song for anyone that would like to try something new out. I had not heard of the Liars until i found their song on so I think that they are a relatively unpopular band.
Here is the link to the video of the song.

Snowflake Battle

I will win this snowflake
No matter what it will take
I will win this snowflake

The snowflake is mine
Try to take it from me
And you will pay a heavy fine

The golden snowflake is warming
Like sitting by the fire
Toasting marshmallows like a rich squire

If you don't have the snowflake
Don't feel down, just know that
Someone else is better than you in this town.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nick and Jay

Nick and Gatsby.  What are they? Friends, enemies, or merely acquaintances?  One could argue that they are any one of those.  Personally I think that they are genuine friends but do not fully understand that they are yet.  Gatsby at first views Nick merely as a gear in a giant machine of a plan that involves him meeting Daisy again.  Nick's first impression of Gatsby is a rich man who blows all of his money on parties and people.  After reading through chapter five in the book I think that even though they may not have thought they were true friends at first, I believe that through all of the difficulties and controversy that they will go through together they will bond and they will  become genuine friends.
Gatsby does not think that Nick is equal with him in society seeing as he is not nearly as rich and known to the world as Gatsby is.  Nick thinks that Gatsby is mysterious at first but once he gets to know him he starts to get a better understanding of what Jay Gatsby does.  Nick still finds Gatsby mysterious but he gets used to it in a way.  All in all I think Nick and Gatsby are genuine friemds but they just haven't figured itt out yet.